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Get Every Samples From Mars Pack in Existence

All The Samples From Mars is a 68 GB collection of 80 sample packs, created over the past 10+ years by extensively sampling our favorite (often rare and vintage) drum machines, synthesizers, samplers, custom vinyl, acoustic instruments and more. All of our samples have been painstakingly mapped to your favorite DAWs and samplers and recorded through some of the best recording equipment in the world. We craft everything by hand in our studio: 


About the Collection

The Everything Bundle is constantly growing bigger and better, as we add our latest creations to it, pushing our sonic boundaries further with each release as we gain more experience, come up with new ideas, and ask you what we should sample. By its very nature, the bundle is at its biggest and best any time you're reading this page. It includes every pack we've ever made at the time of purchase, but does not include future releases.

Accessing the Past to Inspire the Future

Our goal is to conserve the unique charm and sound of these beautiful machines into a modern context, for people who can't afford or source the real thing (and even for those who can 😉). In 2024, for instance, we sampled the rarest drum machine of all time

Holding ourselves to the highest sonic standard possible and utilizing years of experience with some of the nicest consoles, tape machines and outboard processing gear around, we've aimed to create our own sound along the way, and include "color" versions as well as clean samples for all packs. 

And by diligently mapping these samples to countless instruments for Ableton, Kontakt, Logic, Maschine, MPCs and so much more, the packs are immediately inspiring and playable. 

Classic & Rare Drum Machines and Samplers

Drum machines and drum samplers are our speciality, and our samples feature both clean and processed, extensively multi-sampled one shots. We've recorded everything from classics (808, 909, etc) to the more rare, hard to find drum machines like the LM1 (we sampled two!), and even stuff that has never been sampled before, like the Ekko, MPC1, obscure Soviet drum machines and more. While our main focus is vintage, we've also captured some amazing modern units like the Pulsar, Recodrum, and more. 

With so many low quality drum machine samples floating around, we always begin our journey by capturing the cleanest possible samples at 24 BIT, making sure our machines are serviced, and recording through high end DIs, our API 1608 console and Apogee Symphony MKII converter.

Then, we spice things up a bit for the crowd that likes a little more flavor - engaging tape machines, saturators, re-sampling, compression, EQ, and even printing the sounds to vinyl and sampling that.

The following are some of the hundreds of demos we've composed for you to hear the one shot drum samples in action: 

Custom Vinyl Drum Samples

In 2022, we finally accomplished our dream of pressing our acoustic kit to vinyl and sampling it. And in 2023, we pressed 40 of our favorite drum machines to vinyl and sampled that! For both packs, we physically degraded the vinyl to obtain all sorts of characterful artifacts. These vinyl drum samples are our top-selling packs of all time - there's just something about getting the sound of vinyl (legally) that can't be replicated. 

This is what the process looked like for the acoustic drums: 

Multi-Sampled Vintage Synths

What better to pair drum machines with than some extensively sampled vintage synths? We focus on classic, vintage synthesizers, and more obscure stuff like the Voyetra and vintage Russian synths - most recently, we created an extensive Juno pack: 

Sampling a synthesizer has proven to be somewhat of a dark art. Basically, we start with a synth we love, create around 30 patches, and then sample every single note, looping each sample when possible, and mapping the results to keyboard instruments in software like Ableton, Kontakt, Logic and more. 

The results: juicy analog bass, warm pads, cutting leads, wild FX - the list goes on, and greatly varies, with each synth creating its own, unique sound. Just load them up and start getting inspired, like we did when we made all of these demos! 

Beyond Drum Machines & Synths

Multi-sampling synths and drum machines is our speciality, but throughout the years we've done more than just this! We've created Found Sounds by recording rain hitting various objects, thunder, traffic, the ocean, elevators, refrigerators, drill bursts, etc - in different environments, and then re-pitched these on tape machines. We've made experimental tape and trumpet instruments, and have also created the most comprehensive collection of drum machine midi grooves in existence. 

We love using old samplers (because of their sound) to transform acoustic instruments - one of our favorites is the Mirage, which is only 8 bits, and features a silky, analog filter. We recorded piano, flutes, horns, strings, guitars, bass and more into it, transforming these traditional sounds into our own custom, vintage sampler library of sweet and buttery, dusty and lo-fi instruments:

Love, Care & Experimentation

This is all to say that a huge amount of time, effort, love, care and attention to detail and experimentation goes into our process. We do everything the hard way and are constantly challenging ourselves because we consider this an art, not a business. Since there isn't enough space here to truly detail our process over the past decade, I recommend browsing the store and reading any pages that interest you - it's all included in this download 😉. 

About the Offer

The only reason we're able to give away all of this hard (and very costly) work for this price is because of your continued support. I truly believe that something high quality can and should be delivered for a low enough price to reach people who don't have a high budget - hey, I started Samples From Mars with almost no gear to my name. And just as drum machines and synthesizers democratized the music making process in the early 80s, these sample packs should continue that legacy and give you access to those same machines. 

We put *everything* we make back into recording gear, new instruments to sample, and new team members, to continue giving you even better packs every year.

Ready For:
  • Any 24 bit WAV Compatible DAW or Sampler
  • Ableton Live 9.7+ (Not Intro or Lite)
  • Battery 4.1.5+
  • FL Studio 20.8+
  • Kontakt 5.6.5+ (Not Kontakt Player)
  • Logic 9+
  • Maschine 2.6+
  • MPC 1000 or MPC 2500
  • MPC Live , X, or One
  • Reason 8+


Ready For:
  • Any 24 bit WAV Compatible DAW or Sampler
  • Ableton Live 9.7+ (Not Intro or Lite)
  • Battery 4.1.5+
  • FL Studio 20.8+
  • Kontakt 5.6.5+ (Not Kontakt Player)
  • Logic 9+
  • Maschine 2.6+
  • MPC 1000 or MPC 2500
  • MPC Live , X, or One
  • Reason 8+

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